Ocean Warrior

Ocean Warrior #Resolute Expeditions Foundation year 2023

Update 29-11-23

Last September 2023, Ocean Warrior ran their first two 10-day expeditions explored the islands of Svalbard, high in the Arctic Circle. These Foundation expeditions was sailed by a combination of the general public, including Classic Sailing customers, and a range of climate and environmental Scientists who were thrilled to now have a brilliant expedition ship that will visit the Arctic Ocean and coastlines on a yearly basis.

Covering a distance of 2000 to 4000 nautical miles, the trips purposefully pushed the limits of oceanographic scientific data collection. The voyages were conducted using wind power as much as possible aboard ‘Ocean Warrior #Resolute Expeditions ship Linden’.

10 day Foundation Expeditions 1 and 2 – A Success in Svalbard

Also on board were explorer Jim McNeill and his partner Sam. Founders of Ice Warrior and now Global Warrior Project, they were actually seeing the Arctic and Svalbard through the eyes of a sailor for the first time. Jim has been running Arctic Expeditions on land and sea ice for over 10 years. His expertise is in training ordinary members of the public to collect data in hostile but beautiful locations , alongside professional scientists, universities and research sponsors. Their ambition to create an ocean version of his lifes work, couldn’t come at a more critical time for the planet.

All he needed was the right ship, and tall ship Linden have exceeded expectations in these two pilot expeditions. The ships crew are mostly Scandinavian and familiar with polar waters, ice and shore parties with skis and scientific equipment.

Onwards now to the annual Arctic circuit of ‘Resolute Expeditions’ with legs covering Svalbard, Northern Norway, Iceland, East Greenland and around Cape Favel to West Greenland and the approaches to the North West Passage.

This is what classic Sailing customer Andy thought of it in September 2023.

I couldn’t praise the Linden crew highly enough, extremely professional, friendly and encouraged us to be part of the team. I’d sail on that boat with that crew anywhere. The experience was at times spiritual, life affirming. I can’t recommend the experience highly enough.’

Andy M – Ocean Warrior #Foundation Expedition, 2023


Explore Ocean Warrior #Resolute Expeditions Voyages 2024 to 20233


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Aims of #Foundation Expedition

Led by renowned explorer Jim McNeill, there will also be scientists, naturalists and content creators on board for these voyages, as well as a number of citizen scientists. Those joining the expedition will be trained to sail and to contribute directly to the scientific endeavours.

The #Foundation Expedition aims was principally to install and test scientific and technological equipment such as weather stations, FerryBox, CTD and Bathymetry as well as Communications systems.

It proved useful in many other ways in terms of getting used to the ship and the opportunities it created, above the previous land and sea ice based expeditions with Ice Warrior Projects. Plymouth Marine Lab is one of many the Scientific partners looking forward to the ability to monitor this remote area for 10 years. They have been in the news in Nov 2023, as together with 40 other organisations they are pushing Governments at COP28 for more monitoring of the effects of climate change on the worlds oceans

Ocean Warrior Project Fact Sheet Back to Ocean Warrior Project page

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