
Voyage Filters

Travel Insurance helps more than just yourself.

Good reasons for Travel Insurance.

It is with good reasons that we require you to have adequate travel insurance. It only needs to be taken out once you booking has been paid for, that way you will be better prepared for any cancellation you may have to make. 

The voyages you book are the income that keeps the tall ships and the heritage fleet afloat. If you cancel voyages once they have been confirmed, in most cases they cannot be refunded or transferred to a later date. unless it meets the Terms and Conditions of the vessel your are sailing on.

When traveling in your home waters it is still required that you have travel insurance. This is designed to  cover loss of baggage, injury, cancellation though illness of yourself or close relative.  


For UK Citizens try:

Topsail Insurance

Topsail Insurance offer a range of travel insurance products, designed with sailing trips in mind. Find out more here and choose the right policy for you

Topsail Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance for Non UK residents.

Try Atlas Travel Insurance


Adequate travel insurance is a condition for many voyages, please check your vessel Terms and Conditions. You should take out a policy of insurance in order to cover you and your party for sailing on traditional boats and tall ships in territorial or international waters as appropriate: against the cost of cancellation by you; the cost of assistance (including repatriation) in the event of accident or illness; loss of baggage and money; and other expenses.