
Voyage Filters

Off the beaten track

The Hebrides are popular among hikers, historians and wildlife lovers alike, especially the islands of Skye and Mull with their easy access from the mainland. Sailing around and between the islands allows you to experience their wild beauty, straying off the tourist trail and finding seclusion in hard to reach places.

There will be plenty of opportunity, too, to explore ashore and enjoy all the things these islands are famous for: nature, history, stunning landscapes…..and the odd whisky!

white tailed ‘sea eagle’

Natural Spectacles

The sea eagle might be the most famous inhabitant, but these islands also boast puffins, golden eagles, kittiwakes and choughs. Mountain hares, Scottish wildcats and pine martens can be found further inland, along with red deer. Seals (both common and grey) in high numbers, and further offshore minke whales, orka, basking sharks and dolphins can be spotted by the eagle-eyed…


The first written records of life on the islands date from the 6th century, although humans have lived here since the Mesolithic era nine thousand years ago.

There are areas of real historical interest from almost every age, from early Pictish clans and Norse rule through to the development of the Scottish Clans (the title ‘Lord of the Isles’ was first recorded in 1336) and the Jacobite revolution.

Isles of Skye on eda
dramatic coastlines


Scotland is not famous for its sunshine, although the West Coast has the advantage of the North Atlantic Current which brings with it a mild oceanic climate. Some of the sunniest places in the country are here, with Tiree boasting over 300 days of sunshine some years.

In amongst the islands there will be sheltered water somewhere, whatever the wind direction, but be prepared for some quite stiff weather at times, as big tidal races and strong swells roll in off the Atlantic.

Midge FREE Scotland

Other Scotland: the Hebrides Regions

Scotland: St Kilda

Take a look

Scotland: the Hebrides Sailing Voyages


Provident: Oban and Beyond? 2026 PV260926


Sat 26-09-2026

Oban, Scotland


Thu 01-10-2026

Oban, Scotland




Provident: Exploring Morvern & Mull 2026 PV180926


Fri 18-09-2026

Oban, Scotland


Wed 23-09-2026

Oban, Scotland




Provident: The delights of the sound of Mull 2026 PV110926


Fri 11-09-2026

Oban, Scotland


Wed 16-09-2026

Oban, Scotland

