Climate Change

Travel Around the World in the Footsteps of Charles Darwin

DARWIN200 Around the World

Become part of DARWIN200 – a planetary conservation initiative that will empower the next generation’s elite environmental leaders and
engage millions of students worldwide in conservation projects. Over 2023-2025, the beautiful tall ship Oosterschelde will re-sail the route of Charles Darwin’s voyage aboard HMS Beagle.

During this global voyage, the DARWIN200 team will:
• Train elite young conservationists, one from each of two hundred countries and states around the world. These ‘DARWIN LEADERS’ will become tomorrow’s top environmental leaders.
• Create the World’s Most Exciting Classroom by beaming activities, research projects, experiments, lectures, essay competitions and weekly ‘nature hour’ events to schools across the globe to engage millions of students, teachers and member of the general public.
• Undertake citizen science research projects by partnering with key conservation organisations to engage global audiences in tackling many of the world’s most critical environmental problems.

What Will I See and Do?

Join the ship on any of the 32 voyage legs and experience the changing landscape and wildlife. Will you see Penguins in the Falklands? Humpback Whales off the Cook Islands? Giant Galapagos Tortoises in.. well, the Galapagos! As you and your fellow expedition crew make your way around the world, you’ll take part in various research projects such as habitat loss, a global coral survey, the extent and affects of ocean plastic and pollution and marine mammal studies. The results will be included in the regular videos and interviews the team will make with students both young and old via the Darwin200 social media pages.

A Fine Ship Darwin Himself Would Have Been comfortable on!

Recognised as a ‘National Historic Monument’ in the Netherlands, Oosterschelde is the last of over 500 Dutch three-masted Topsail Schooners that carried cargo at the beginning of the 1900’s . If you want an example of sail power, Oosterschelde is the real thing.

Oosterschelde’s sleek lines and huge 9,590 sq ft sail area has taken her around the world twice including a rounding of Cape Horn purely under sail in 2013. She has been as far afield as the Arctic, Japan and Antarctica and loves to explore warm places such as Cape Verde, the Caribbean and Brazil.

Oosterschelde has the most spacious and elegant living space of the Classic Sailing fleet. The ship’s historic cargo hold has been converted into a stunning bar and dining room complete with piano! Plenty of room to conduct research or relax at the end of another exciting watch. In essence, Oosterschelde if the ideal vessel to take you around the world

How Do I Get Aboard?

Every customer sailing with us will need to fill in basic medical questions on their booking application. If you are not sure if your current level of fitness and agility are up to a voyage, then please ring the Classic Sailing Office on +44 1326 53 1234 and we can chat through your concerns and possibly find options that might suit you better.

View all Legs of the Darwin200 Adventure

Marketing Assistant, Tall Ship Sailor & Co-Host of the Off Watch Podcast

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