
Simply the Best, Islands, Nature, “Hands-On” Sailing

Nothing beats, Island Hopping, Nature Spotting, and “Hands-On” Sailing adventures.

When it comes to experiencing the sea and its surrounding habitats, there’s no better way than setting sail on a traditional vessel. Trust us, we’ve been through this journey time and again, and it never loses its magic. But beyond the romance and adventure of it all, sailing holidays that take you between islands offer an experience that’s profoundly connected with nature, both at sea and ashore. Here’s how:

Wildlife Voyages


Part of Nature, Not Just a Bystander

You can be shown a sunset, but it’s another experience entirely to sail toward it, letting the wind guide you across the shimmering sea. You’re not just a spectator; you’re a participant. The tall ship becomes an extension of the natural world around you, each gust of wind and change in tide a dialogue between you and the elements. The very act of sailing makes you feel like you’re entitled to be in these spectacular places, not as an intruder but as a welcome guest.

Island Hopping Voyages


Island Hopping: More Than Just a Buzzword

Island holidays are enchanting, but when you sail, you’re not confined to just one piece of paradise. Each Remote Island, with its unique geography, flora, and fauna, becomes a new chapter in your adventure story. You’ll enjoy the thrill of rounding a headland, heart pounding in anticipation of what the next island or bay will reveal. Sure, some gems like the Scillies or St Kilda require a bit more offshore sailing, but that’s all part of the rich experience.

From Greenland and the Shetlands to Antarctica by way of the Caribbean we have islands adventures a plenty.

Anchoring Ashore: The Best of Both Worlds

There’s something beautifully primal about setting foot on solid land after time at sea. You’ve been bouncing around on a heeling deck, and suddenly you’re given the freedom to walk, climb, and explore. As we like to say, “The sailing locations are chosen more for their wildlife, natural scenery, and idyllic anchorages than for facilities ashore.” Whether you’re keen on bird-watching, intrigued by local history, or just want to appreciate the smell of the flowers, stepping ashore becomes an integral part of your voyage.

Navigating Shallow Waters and Welcoming Harbours

The coastal voyages are some of the most rewarding precisely because they combine sailing with inshore pilotage. This isn’t just transportation; it’s an intimate dance with the geography of each island group. Careful navigation through twisting channels and around hidden sandbanks makes you appreciate the skills of the seasoned skippers in charge. And when you do make landfall, whether on a sandy Caribbean beach aboard the Grayhound or at an ancient quay closer to home, you’re greeted warmly, almost as if the island itself is welcoming you.

Nature, Culture, and a Bit of Revelry

It’s not just about hugging an oak tree after some time at sea or reliving your childhood on a Cornish beach, although there’s nothing wrong with either. The trip often culminates in a bit of community revelry, because let’s face it, we do like to party. It could be a beach barbecue or beside a roaring fire in a friendly inn! But even then, the ethos of respecting nature and indulging in local culture adds an extra level of satisfaction.

Just to say —a sailing holiday offers not just a break but a deeply immersive, multifaceted experience. It’s about being one with nature, exploring multiple islands, and even enjoying the simple pleasure of walking on solid ground. All while sailing under the guidance of skippers who, as our first brochure in 1997 put it, “will awake the natural explorer in you.”

Fancy taking the plunge? Take a look at these Island hopping Voyages and Wildlife Adventures.

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