
Conserving our maritime heritage

At Classic Sailing we still believe the best way to conserve our maritime heritage and traditional sailing skills is for historic vessels to go sailing on the sea, not stuck in a museum. 

A working ship at sea with paying crews is a financial model that has worked well for many organisations all over the world. But we are not  living in normal times, and as usual the most valuable intangible things in society start to suffer when things get tight.

Classic Sailing is run by professional sailors and we have spent nearly 25 years promoting and running traditional vessels and tall ships. We have added as much revenue as we could to many organisations both private and charitable helping keep tall ships and maritime skills alive.

Photo above is Wild Boy built by Debbie, Tallulah’s skipper.

Despite the turmoil in the world and financial insecurity, past customers are returning to sailing as they love it as much as we do. 

You may know all about traditional sailing already but we need new sailors as we never have before, 2 years of covid pandemic has left a whole in the numbers of sailors. We need to fill that gap with new, keen, excited sailors.

Can you help?

Please spread the word that sailing tall ships and traditional vessels is exciting, exhilarating, good for you and a great environmental holiday. Beginners do not need any sailing experience.

Ten Reasons Sailing holidays are Great Value

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