Advanced Thrills & Spills, Sailing Challenges & Command Skills

The staff in the Classic Sailing Office have enough sea miles to go around the world 6 times, but we are not embarrassed by paying to go a sailing voyage, if it fits our ambitions. The logical conclusion of a sailing hobby is to buy your own boat, but there are cheaper ways to see the world on a beautiful and probably bigger sailing ship…and keep the day job. 

Experienced sailors don’t always want their next voyage to be more challenging or harder. We have plenty of customers who have weathered the gales and already been tested for courage by the sea. Our office and sea staff hope we can offer you mutual respect and we can learn from each other. When you ring us we are ready to answer questions from novices to master mariners. You might be someone who knows enough to look for an ocean passage that has trade winds in the right direction, but we can tell you which ship might will offer the most advanced thrills or good company.

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