
Voyage Filters

Portugal via Madeira to Canary Islands

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4 Berth Cabin Per Person



2 person Cabin Price per person



Embark Disembark Vessel DurationVoyage No
Mon 18-11-2024, 17:00Setubal, near Lisbon Mon 25-11-2024, 10:00Santa Cruz, Tenerife Morgenster 7 NightsOM181124

Ocean Taster Voyage

In the late afternoon, join us on the “Morgenster” in Setúbal, Portugal. Meet the crew, learn about the journey, safety, and onboard life from the captain. Next morning, we’ll set sail from Setúbal. Learn sail hoisting and, if keen, climbing. Enjoy the warm Portuguese weather, around 15 degrees, improving as we head south.
Before reaching the Canary Islands, we’ll stop at Porto Santo, Madeira. Watch for seabirds, dolphins, whales, and flying fish, maybe catching a Dorado for dinner.
In clear weather, spot Tenerife’s Teide volcano from afar. We aim to reach Santa Cruz de Tenerife by November 24, 2024. Guests not continuing to Cape Verde disembark after breakfast the next day.
Experience sailing on the ocean-going ‘Morgenster’. As guest crew, you’ll join watches, learn sailing, steering, and navigation. No sailing experience needed; the crew explains everything. Participate as much as you wish, considering your comfort and abilities.

  • Voyage
  • Vessel

Voyage Highlights

  • Portugal to Canary Islands via Madeira
  • Big Ship Sailing on an impressive Tall Ship
  • Civilised accommodation for life on an angle
  • square and gaff sails
  • proper big ships wheel
  • Good dolphin spotting near continental shelf


Vessel type / Rig Brig
Guest Berths 24
Beam 19.6ft
Draft 8ft
Deck Length 125ft
Overall Length 151ft
Tonnage 159 tons
Year Built 1919
More about the Vessel

Voyage Description

Tall Ship Sailing on Morgenster with Classic Sailing
Sailing as guest crew


Ocean Taster Voyage

In the late afternoon, you will board the “Morgenster” in the Portuguese port of Setúbal. After you have met the crew and other people on board, the captain will discuss the plans for the trip, the safety procedures and rules of life on board. The next morning, we will leave Setúbal and hoist the sails together. You will receive extensive instruction for this from the crew and for those who want to go aloft, there is a climbing instruction as well. It is noticeably warmer here than in the Netherlands, with temperatures around 15 degrees and as we get further south the weather gets better and better. Near Cabo São Vicente the first shorts will come out and we can expect good weather and a favourable wind for the last five hundred nautical miles to the Canary Islands.


Before we start the crossing to the Canary Islands, we make a stop at Porto Santo, Madeira. Underway, there is plenty to see. Seabirds in the air around us and in the clear, dark blue ocean waters we may encounter dolphins, whales, or a school of flying fish. These are chased by Dorado’s (Mahi Mahi), and with a little luck we will catch this green and yellow hunter for dinner.

Tenerife has the highest mountain in Spain, the volcanic Teide. In clear weather, we can see the island from afar. No later than November 24, 2024, we will arrive in the port of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Guests who do not sail with us to Cape Verde will say goodbye the next day, after breakfast.


Sailing on a large square rigged sailing ship is a special experience. Especially on an ocean-going voyage like this one. On the long ocean swell the ‘Morgenster’ feels perfectly at home. On board the ‘Morgenster’ you are not a passenger but guest crew. You will be assigned to a watch together with the crew and receive instruction so that you can actively help sail, steer and navigate the ship. Conditions at sea are changeable and on a sailing ship the natural elements have to be constantly taken into account. You will also be explained how to help yourself and your fellow guests with life on board and in emergencies. Sailing experience is not required. The crew will be happy to explain to you what all the lines, halyards and sheets are for. Most sailors like to actively participate in the work on board, but of course your wishes and possible limitations will be considered.

pe the dark days of winter and enjoy an outdoor life with waves and spray, sail handling action and camaraderie on deck, and a very comfortable, civilised ship below decks.  Its a raw, wild adventure with good possibilities for whales and dolphins on this route and the hundred and one daily variations that make life at sea unpredictable and full of wonder at the powers and beauty of nature.


  • Part one –
    • English Channel, Bay of Biscay to Setbul in Portugal
  • Part two
    • Blue Water Sailing to the Camry Islands
  • Part three
    • Canary Islands to Cape Verde.
  • Big Wave Sailing on an impressive Tall Ship
  • Civilised accommodation for life on an angle
  • square and gaff sails
  • proper big ships wheel
  • Full range of weather from Cool Europe to Tropical Cape Verde
  • Possible stops in North Spain and Cadiz area
  • Good dolphin spotting near continental shelf
Atlantic Ocean Voyage on Tall Ship Sailing Morgenster with Classic Sailing


On a sailing voyage we never use the word itinerary, as skippers will always be aiming for the best sailing and shore landings for the forecast and most idyllic or sheltered anchors and ports. They are as keen as you to include some of the highlights described below, but you have to go with Mother Nature, not fight her. The description below is based on what we think might be possible, based on past trips, or experience, but nothing is guaranteed on a sailing voyage.

Morgenster Den Helder to Cape Verde, Ocean Milebuilder.

Morgenster, like several European tall ships, will head South like a migrating bird in Autumn, heading for her favourite winter sailing ground. This impressive three masted schooner is sailing from her home port of Den Helder to the tropical islands of Cape Verde off Senegal which lie on the same Latitude as St Lucia in the Caribbean. 

dolphins under a sailing ship bows by Volker
dolphins under a sailing ship bows by Volker

Milebuilder Voyage – Get into the rhythm of passage-making

This 28 day voyage offers you the chance to experience the true life of a sailor on a proper ocean passage departing from a  cold, dark European port in winter but quickly reaching warmer seas off Portugal and then Africa and the Canary Islands. The ship will not make many port stops, during this trip. Therefore, this voyage is not meant for people who wish to go sightseeing or who know they suffer badly from seasickness.. You will be on board of a three masted topsail schooner for three and a half weeks.  You are sailing through some of the best seas for dolphins and whales in the Northern Hemisphere, especially around the edge of the continental shelf near Northern Spain, the fast tides near Gibraltar, and the pilot whale breeding grounds off Tenerife.

Canary Islands to Cape Verde

Cape Verde is 700 miles further South, on the latitude as St Lucia in the Caribbean, so if you are looking for a good bit of sun, blue seas and sailing in shorts and t shirt, then this is a perfect break for those who already know they love sailing.  The Canaries are on the edge of the NE trade winds but Cape Verde islands sit slap bang in the middle so the sailing should be exciting too.  

Milebuilder for the Career Sailor

The voyage from Rotterdam to Canaries  is about 1800 miles. If you are working your way towards the 2500 qualifying miles needed for a RYA yachtmaster exam then this passage is a good way of getting to that target quickly and with considerably more comfort than a large yacht. If this is your aim, remember it will give you open ocean experience but not much coastal navigation or pilotage, but if you combine it with other shorter voyages it is a good string to your bow. 

A mile maker voyage is principally to get a ship from A to B.

Morgenster is quite a fast ship so it is possible you may reach Canaries a day or so early, but car hire is easy in the Canaries and some great mountain roads and villages to the north of the island to explore, or just soak up the sun on the beach.

Tall Ship Sailing on Morgenster with Classic Sailing
Free as a bird. Why we go sailing

Down Channel to the Atlantic Ocean

The first part of the voyage is potentially cold and challenging as you head for the Dover Straits and down Channel to the Western Approaches and out into the Atlantic.  Cornwall or Brittany are probably your last chance for a port stop as no ship wants to hug the coast in the Bay of Biscay.  Next landfall will likely be the mountains of Northern Spain or the Spanish and Portguese rias.  A favourite stop here is Vigo.

Blue Water Sailing via Canaries

The voyage down the Portuguese coast to Cape St Vincente may still be quite cool but after the Straits of Gibraltar the winds and current should be favourable and the climate gets warmer and warmer. Morgenster will make a stop in the Canaries and then it is a further 850 miles to Cape Verde.

If you plan to stay on in Cape Verde, see our Cape Verde voyages for ideas on what you could do if you stayed on for the next voyage or travelled independently through the islands. (Cape Verde visas required)

Crew ashore walking in the Canaries mountains in Tenerife
Crew ashore walking in the Canaries mountains in Tenerife


Watch Keeping & Working Aloft

During the voyage you will be spilt up into watches, the normal duty rota is four hours on duty and eight off but this may vary with circumstances and crew abilities. This is a deep sea voyage and you will get into the rhythm of an Ocean Passage with time to unwind and enjoy the sheer beauty of the Atlantic. If you like to keep busy then there is always ships maintenance to help with.

Morgenster has square sails so the brave can help the crew aloft to stow sails, but it is never compulsory.

Atlantic Ocean Voyage on Tall Ship Sailing Morgenster with Classic Sailing

Ocean Seabirds & Cetaceans

There are islands off Vigo, several of which are bird reserves and rather beautiful anchorages. The rugged surf swept coastline and drowned river valleys (rias) are a haven for sea birds which wheel about in vast numbers and chase the local fishing boats down the Portuguese coast.

In addition to bird life it is more than likely that you will see dolphins and whales as they too travel the coast of Western Europe and can often be seen in vast schools where the Continental shelf comes close to the tip of Northern Spain. The next hotspot for cetaceans is amongst the Canaries where again the seabed rises from great depths around each volcanic island. Nearer to Cape Verde the ship may be followed by bonito and tuna, and you may spot turtles in the lee of islands where the sea is calmer.

Trade Wind Sailing with Exploration Ashore ?

If you would like some good trade wind sailing on the ocean but would prefer a bit more exploring ashore – why not look at our 11 day Cape Verde based voyages. 

Morgenster – The Tall Ship Race Ship

Morgenster (Morning Star) has taken part in many International Tall Ships Races and is proven as a fast sailor. This sail training vessel is well known in Holland, where she is based, and is making a name for herself further afield as an adventure charter vessel.

Morgenster is a 48m tall ship, traditionally rigged as a brig, with square sails on her two masts. Join her as a member of her guest crew as she explores Europe and undertakes her regular Atlantic circuit via the Canaries, Cape Verde.

She has managed to excel in both thoughtful and educational sail training voyages for young people, and extremely hospitable adventure cruising for adults to locations like Cape Verde or the Canaries.

The style of sailing is laid back, but don’t under estimate the professionalism of the crew. The Netherlands has a big fleet of working sailing ships and the famous Enkhuizen Zeevaartschool (Nautical College) training future mariners in sail as well as modern ships, so the standard of volunteer and paid crew is always very high, with excellent English used as the working language.


Ocean sailing in the Westerlies belt often means gale – less winds – next gale as the depression systems hurtle across the Atlantic. If the jet stream moves North then you could escape lightly and have a balmy sail down towards Northern Spain, but be ready for both extremes. The day light hours, weather and temperatures improve as yo head southwards and you might be in shorts as you reach level with Portugal or North Africa.


Whether you are an experienced sailor or a complete beginner, the professional crew will train you to be guest crew from the moment you arrive, with the intention that everybody works together to sail the ship. The common thread to all Classic Sailing holidays is ‘Hands on’ participation on ships that use ropes, blocks and tackles and ‘people power’ to set sail.


We cater for a wide range of ages and physical abilities and how much you are expected to do varies a bit between vessels. See the vessel tab above which explains all about the ‘sailing style’ and what to expect in terms of hands on participation. There is a lot of information about day to day life, the ships facilities and accommodation on the vessel pages.


Every customer sailing with us will need to fill in basic medical questions on their booking application. If you are not sure if your current level of fitness and agility are up to a voyage, then please ring the Classic Sailing Office on 01872 58 00 22 and we can chat through your concerns and possibly find options that might suit you better.


  • Skipper & professional crew
  • Personal Safety Equipment
  • Sailing Instruction
  • All meals, snacks and refreshments
  • Port and landing fees
  • Linen and duvets
  • Third Party liability insurance


  • Travel to Joining Port
  • Travel from end port
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Towels
  • Waterproofs
  • Personal travel insurance

Start & End Port

Setubal, near Lisbon


Worthwhile Journeys

You are going to be spending some time in the ports you embark and disembark from. These aren’t just logistical points; they’re opportunities for further enrichment. Take an extra day to discover what’s beyond the harbour. It’s not merely about filling time; it’s about making the entire journey worthwhile.

Keeping in Touch

The exact location of your ship may not be known until closer to your joining time, you will be informed by email once the exact position has been confirmed.

Make sure you take a note of the ship’s mobile/cell phone number with you in case you are delayed or there are any other problems on the day.

What to Do in Setúbal


Setúbal boasts a rich tapestry of history, with landmarks like the 16th-century Fortress of São Filipe offering panoramic views and a glimpse into the past. The city’s museums, such as the Museu de Setúbal, provide deep insights into the region’s cultural and maritime heritage.


Immerse yourself in Setúbal’s vibrant culture by experiencing its arts and festivals. The Festa de São Sebastião, celebrated in January, is a testament to the city’s deep-rooted traditions and communal spirit.

Sites of Interest to a Sailor

The coastal views around Setúbal are breathtaking. Notable sights include the picturesque Arrábida Natural Park, famed for its crystal-clear waters and scenic beauty. The lighthouses, such as the one at Cabo Espichel, offer a nostalgic nod to sailors and sea lovers.


For evening entertainment, Setúbal’s lively music and dance scene come to life in venues across the city. Experience the traditional Fado music in local taverns or enjoy contemporary beats at modern clubs.

Eating Out

Setúbal is a haven for seafood lovers. Indulge in local specialties like Choco Frito (fried cuttlefish) and savour the tastes of the sea at waterfront restaurants.


Nature enthusiasts will appreciate the diverse landscapes surrounding Setúbal, from the serene beaches to the lush greenery of the Serra da Arrábida.

Unique Features

Setúbal’s unique blend of urban charm and natural beauty makes it a standout destination. The juxtaposition of ancient architecture and modern living creates a unique atmosphere that is quintessentially Setúbaln.


For those seeking comfort and luxury, the hotels and spas in Setúbal offer top-notch services. Renowned establishments like the Hotel do Sado provide excellent accommodation options with stunning views.

Official Tourist Website

Visit Setúbal


Weather Setúbal

In Setúbal, expect mild winters and warm summers. Spring brings blooming landscapes and mild temperatures, perfect for exploring. Summers are sunny and ideal for beach visits. Autumn, with its cooler yet pleasant weather, is great for outdoor activities.

Sea and Beyond: A Responsible Mariner’s Guide

Since you’re already investing in a unique sailing adventure, why not extend that spirit to your travel choices? Opt for more sustainable methods of transport where possible like trains, coaches or sharing a car. If you fly, and we realise this may well be the case, you could research some ways to offset the carbon created by the flight.

Special Interests

If you have a special interest that you would like to find out about for this port or to tell us about, we would love to hear from you.

How to Get There

Recommendation for flights to remote or cold climate destinations we recommend purchasing flexible flights that offer full refunds. See advice on Flexible flights here.

From the UK, direct flights are available to Lisbon, followed by a short drive or train ride to Setúbal.

European visitors can enjoy convenient flights or scenic train journeys to Lisbon.

For North American travellers, direct flights to Lisbon are the quickest option, with subsequent local transport to Setúbal.

Australian adventurers can expect connecting flights to Lisbon and then a regional connection to Setúbal.

Blue Water Sailing Holidays

Setúbal, with its blend of historical charm, cultural richness, and natural beauty, is an ideal destination for those seeking an authentic experience during their Blue Water Sailing Holidays.


Santa Cruz, Tenerife

Santa Cruz, Tenerife travel.

There are cheap flights to Tenerife from all over Europe as it is a major winter sun holiday destination. You can probably find a flight from regional airports too. There are too many discount airline options to mention.

The harbour in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is huge, with two marinas and miles of harbour wall and quaysides for cruise ships and bigger tall ships. Berths for tall ships are small fry for the port authorities as the bigger more profitable ships get priority, so the sailing ships captain will have to go where ever the port authority puts them, and they may not get to stay there for very long.

Please book a flight that gets in at a sensible time for you to get to the ship on time, even if it means getting there the day before and booking into a hotel.

If your vessel is small enough to get into one of the marinas then we can usually be a bit more specific as to where to find the ship beforehand.

The ships exact location in port is often controlled by the port authorities and they will only allocate a docking position a few days before. You will be informed as soon as possible of their exact joining location.

Any changes will be communicated to you before your voyage start date. Make sure you make a note of the ship’s number found in your confirmation email in case of any problems on the day.

Take a Photo of your Ship

We recommend you take a photo of your ship with you to show taxi drivers so they can get to to the right ship!

You can usually see the ships masts on the other side of the harbour, but the taxi drivers will know the shortest route to get to that berth. If you are the independent type with a rucksack walking from the bus depot, chose your route with care, or ask a local, or you could end up walking miles without finding the cruise ship / public entry to the dock.

A day out in Santa Cruz.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the capital city of Tenerife in the Canary Islands, offers a fantastic range of activities and attractions for a memorable day out. Here’s a description of a day in Santa Cruz de Tenerife:

Start your day by exploring the vibrant city center. Take a stroll along the wide avenues and admire the beautiful architecture, blending traditional Spanish and modern styles. Begin at Plaza de España, a picturesque square with a large artificial lake that reflects the surrounding buildings. Enjoy the lush gardens and fountains while savoring a leisurely breakfast at one of the nearby cafés.

Next, head towards the iconic Auditorio de Tenerife, a stunning architectural masterpiece known for its unique design resembling a giant wave or a sail. Take a moment to appreciate the grandeur of this concert hall and capture some photos of the magnificent structure against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean.

From there, make your way to the bustling Mercado de Nuestra Señora de África, a lively market where locals gather to buy fresh produce, meats, and other goods. Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, sample local fruits, and perhaps purchase some traditional Canarian products or souvenirs.

For a touch of culture, visit the Museo de la Naturaleza y el Hombre (Museum of Nature and Man), located in the heart of the city. This fascinating museum showcases the natural and cultural history of the Canary Islands, featuring exhibits on archaeology, anthropology, and the unique flora and fauna of the archipelago. Explore the collections, including mummies, Guanche artifacts, and interactive displays that provide insight into the islands’ rich heritage.

Afterward, take a short stroll to the Parque García Sanabria, a lush urban park filled with exotic plants, sculptures, and colorful flower beds. Find a shaded spot and relax, or perhaps grab a snack from one of the park’s cafes while enjoying the tranquil ambiance.

To satisfy your appetite, head to the coastal area of Santa Cruz and indulge in a seafood lunch at one of the local restaurants. Try some of the freshly caught fish, octopus, or Canarian-style potatoes known as “papas arrugadas.”

In the afternoon, take a leisurely walk along the waterfront promenade, enjoying the refreshing sea breeze and panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. If you’re up for some shopping, browse the numerous boutiques and department stores lining the streets, offering everything from designer brands to unique local crafts.

As the day draws to a close, make your way to the Parque Marítimo César Manrique, a stunning saltwater swimming complex designed by the renowned Canarian artist César Manrique. Relax in the sun, swim in the crystalline pools, or unwind in the jacuzzis, all while admiring the striking architecture and surrounding palm trees.

Finally, end your day by savoring a delicious dinner at one of Santa Cruz’s many restaurants, where you can indulge in a variety of international cuisines or savor traditional Canarian dishes. Pair your meal with a local wine or a refreshing tropical cocktail to complement the flavors.

With its vibrant atmosphere, cultural attractions, delightful cuisine, and beautiful coastal setting, a day out in Santa Cruz de Tenerife promises to be a delightful and enriching experience.

Sustainable Travel Carbon Offset Schemes

By selecting sustainable travel options and actively participating in carbon offset initiatives, you can make a positive impact while journeying to or from your voyage.

Here are some suggestions for carbon offset websites.

UK: One popular carbon offset website in the UK is “Clear” who offer a range of carbon offset projects and solutions for individuals, businesses, and organisations. They provide detailed information about their projects and allow users to calculate and offset their carbon footprint online.

North America: In North America, “Terrapass” is a well-known carbon offset website. Terrapass offers carbon offset projects across the United States and Canada. They provide options for individuals, businesses, and events to calculate and offset their carbon emissions. Terrapass also offers additional resources and information on sustainable living.

Europe: A popular carbon offset website in Europe is “MyClimate.” MyClimate provides carbon offset projects and solutions for individuals, businesses, and travel. They offer a carbon footprint calculator and allow users to support various sustainable projects worldwide. MyClimate focuses on promoting climate protection and sustainability.

Australia:Greenfleet” is a prominent carbon offset website in Australia. Greenfleet focuses on planting native forests to offset carbon emissions. They offer individuals and businesses the opportunity to calculate and offset their carbon footprint by contributing to tree planting projects across Australia. Greenfleet provides detailed information about their projects and the positive environmental impacts they create.

Please note that these carbon offset websites may vary over time, so it is recommended to research and explore multiple options to find the most suitable one for your needs. 

If any of these links do not work it would be kind of you to inform us, many thanks.

Kit List

What to pack for a sailing holiday on Morgenster


  • Sailing Instruction
  • All meals to include refreshments throughout the day
  • Duvet, pillow and sheets
  • Hand towels

What is not Included

  • Waterproof jackets and trousers
  • Alcoholic drinks but there is a bar on board

What to Bring

Suitcases take up a lot of room in a cabin, so it is better to uses soft bags in a ship. A small rucksack for going ashore is useful.
  • Morgenster does not supply waterproof jackets and salopette type trousers. Please bring your own waterproof clothing.
  • A mix of warm and wind proof clothing.
  • Lots of thin layers is better than one thick layer in cold destinations.
  • In tropical countries - long sleeves and long trousers to protect you from the sun
  • Footwear on board needs a good grip and soft soles- the decks are wood or steel.
  • Ashore stout, waterproof walking boots are best if you are in remote places.
  • Morgenster has European 2 pin sockets 240 V
  • Cameras, chargers and video recorders
  • Binoculars are handy for bird watching etc.
  • Suntan lotion, hats, sunglasses
  • Dont forget any regular medication, persciption glasses and spare
  • Euros for bar bill
  • Passport, travel insurance, tickets etc
  •  To get ashore is usually by dinghy so be prepared to get wet feet. Rubber boots or quick drying sandals - depending on the location.


Online Reviews


I loved it.

I loved everything about my week. The crew were fantastic, the ship was beautiful, the singing on the deck was great fun, the dolphins were around a lot. It was brilliant!

Least enjoy - Nothing.

Why do I Sail?

I love the ocean and have always loved boats. For this particular voyage I was also researching a children's book involving mermaids and pirates!

Liz K sailed in 2017


What was the best bit?

Climbing in the rigging, unfurling the sails on the yardarm. 
The cameraderie between the paid and guest crew was second to none. A fantastic atmosphere. Singing in the evenings on deck accompanied by guitar and trumpet. New Year on St Lucia, we celebrated the New Year 3 times (once for Dutch/European time, once for GMT and once for Caribbean time).
The sun glinstering off the ocean surface like a thousand shards of broken mirror.......flying fish like small humming birds skimming over the surface of the water, dolphins on New Years day: what a start to 2019!
Too wonderful to describe, a life changing experience, I want to pack in my job and sail the world! (making plans now) - Carol from Caribbean Season 2019. 

Great experience, will definitely be doing it again.  Climbing the rigging was the best bit. 'First time' sailor. John M July 2018

"Thank you for a very nice trip, some hours on Kattegatt this afternoon. Beautiful boat, nice and joyful captain and crew. I loved it! Wish you all a really nice trip during Tall Ships Races. And I would love to join again someday for a longer trip." Camilla A. June 2017

Thank you Harry, Mariann and all your wonderful crew for an amazing week on Morgenster. Great food Will, such patient climbing instruction Michelle, fun birthday outing Evy and lovely guests from 80 to 22 years old. So many highlights but sailing at night with sparkling dolphins at the bow was truly breathtaking!" Sue G.

Just returned from 11 days sailing round Cape Verde. The whole experience was exceptional - friendly, knowledgeable and caring crew; wonderful sailing (the 4am night watch experience was particularly magical!); interesting trips exploring the islands; and great food." Julia G-F

The View from Aloft by Virginia Spencer
The View from Aloft by Virginia Spencer

Thank you Harry, Marian, Joost, Rene, Hessel & Willie for a fantastic week's sailing. I'll be humming sea shanties and saying "o nay!!!" for days! I really hope to sail with you again. Happy New Year" Kerry Mc C.

Had a fantastic trip around Cape Verde, Jan/Feb 2016. Lovely crew, felt like a family. Thanks to you all xxxx. Really special people and a holiday to remember. My penguins X" Louise G

What a fantastic time, thanks to everyone on the Morgenster both crew and passengers hope to see you all again, maybe next year?" George Mc L

Harry, Marian and their crew make your stay on board the Morgenster wonderful!" Aleike K

What was the best bit?

The trip was fabulous. The crew were incredibly supportive and even helped me overcome enough of my fear to get out onto the first yard. I felt that I was included in everything and that my contribution, however small, was appreciated. The food was excellent and there were plenty of drinks and snacks throughout the day. We had gorgeous weather all the way. I really enjoyed it. - Caribbean Season 2019 by Amanda G. 

Vessel Gallery

Tall Ship Morgenster in action and images. Photos from Classic Sailing customers, ships crew and professional photographers. We hope it gives a flavour of her sailing, life on board, the people that come, her beautiful sailing grounds and what it is like to live below decks.

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Tall Ship Sailing on Morgenster with Classic Sailing

