
RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore Theory – Syllabus

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal & Yachtmaster Offshore Theory – Syllabus

This is an advanced course in navigation and meteorology for candidates for the Yachtmaster Coastal (formerly called Coastal Skipper) and Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate. The syllabus makes some provision for the revision of subjects in the Day Skipper course but those who have not acquired the knowledge set out in the Day Skipper course are unlikely to be able to assimilate all the subjects covered in this advanced course in the suggested time stated. 

The beauty of buying this as an on line course is you can do it in your own time* at home or your place of work. You have a specialist instructor via email if you get stuck. 

(* NB if it takes you longer than 6 months you do need to pay a small fee for a course extension)

To buy this course and full payment terms and conditions return to our purchase page:

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1. Position 

Dead reckoning and estimated position 
Satellite-derived position 
Use of waypoints to fix position 
Radar fixes 
Techniques of visual fixing 
Fixes using a mixture of position lines 
Relative accuracy of different methods of position fixing 
Area of uncertainty 

2. The magnetic compass 

Allowance for variation 
Change of variation with time and position 
Causes of deviation 
Swing for deviation (but not correction) 
Allowance for deviation 
Different types of compass 

3. Tides 

Causes of tide – Springs and Neaps 
Tide tables – sources 
Tidal levels and datum 
Standard and secondary ports 
Tide anomalies (Solent, etc.) 
4. Tidal Streams 

Sources of tidal information 
Tidal stream information in sailing directions and Yachtsmen’s Almanacs 
Allowance for tidal streams in computing a course to steer 
Tide rips, overfalls and races 
Tidal observation buoys, beacons etc. 

5. Buoyage 

IALA system buoyage in Region A 
Limitations of buoys as navigational aids 

6. Lights 

Ranges – visual, luminous and nominal 
Rising and dipping distances 
Light lists 

7. Pilotage 

Harbour regulations and control signals 
Methods of pre-planning 
Clearing lines 
Use of soundings 
Transits and leading lines 

 8. GPS and chart plotters 

Principles of operation and limitations of use 
Raster and vector charts 
Importance of confirmation of position by an independent source and keeping a separate record of position 
Importance of paper charts 

9. Echo sounders 

Principles of operation and limitations of use 

10. Logs (speed and distance measuring) 

Principles of operation limitations of use 

11. Deck log 

Importance of log as yacht’s official document 
Layout of log, hourly and occasional entries 

12. Meteorology 

Basic terms, the Beaufort scale b. Air masses c. Cloud types d. Weather patterns associated with pressure and frontal systems e. Sources of weather forecasts f. Ability to interpret a shipping forecast, weatherfax and weather satellite information g. Land and sea breezes h. Sea fog i. Use of barometer as a forecasting aid 

13. Rules of the Road 

A sound knowledge of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, except Annexes 1 and 3 

14. Safety at Sea 

Personal safety, use of lifejackets, safety harnesses and lifelines 
Fire prevention and fire fighting 
Distress signals 
Coastguard and Boat Safety Scheme 
Preparation for heavy weather 
Liferafts and helicopter rescue 
Understanding of capabilities of vessel and basic knowledge of stability 

15. Navigation in restricted visibility

Precautions to be taken in fog 
Limitations to safe navigation imposed by fog 
Navigation in poor visibility 

16. Passage planning 

Preparation of charts and notebook for route planning and making, and use at sea 
Customs regulations as they apply to yachts 
Routine for navigating in coastal waters 
Strategy for course laying 
Use of waypoints and routes 
Use of weather forecast information for passage planning strategy 
Sources of local and national regulations


***** Book Now – Special Offer – RYA Theory Course *****

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