RYA Sailing Courses

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore – Prep Course and Exam

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore or RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate – Prep Course & Exam

An RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate is the ultimate sailing qualification for UK sailors and for many aspiring professional sailors around the world. Whether you want the Yachtmaster Certificate of Competency to be able to charter yachts as skipper anywhere in the world, as proof you have reached the pinnacle of your leisure sailing ambitions, or you need it for a sailing career, you will need to pass the exam. It is nautical equivalent of a driving license, no matter if you are into racing yachts, classic boats, super yachts or motor boats.

If you pass and meet the pre-requisites to convert it into a commercially endorsed MCA/RYA Certificate of Competency, you are legally qualified to skipper a vessel up to 24 metres or up to 200 tonnes.

Why do a Yachtmaster Preparation Course ?

Unlike other courses in the cruising programme, there is no formal training to complete in order to become  a Yachtmaster Offshore. Instead, provided that you have sufficient experience and seatime (see pre requisites), you can put yourself forward for an exam to test your skills and knowledge. This exam takes place on an approved yacht with an external RYA examiner testing both your practical skills and your theoretical knowledge over 5-9 hours per candidate, or slightly longer if you are the only candidate being examined.

Our Yachtmaster Prep course has a generous 5 days (more than most schools) and 2 days set aside after the course for those that feel ready to take the exam.

Benchmark for a Successful Exam Pass

If you have not completed a shore based Coastal skipper/Yachtmaster theory course then please check the syllabus to make sure you are confident with your theoretical knowledge (especially Rules of the Road IRPCS)  and the practical application of navigational skills. We can now offer you a Long Distance Yachtmaster Coastal/Offshore Theory Course, which gives you the option of when, where and for how long, you study.

A RYA Yachtmaster Coastal (formerly Coastal Skipper) should have the knowledge to skipper a yacht on coastal cruises but does not necessarily have the experience needed to undertake longer passages.

A RYA Yachtmaster Offshore should be able to enter any well-charted harbour for the first time, with sufficient depth, by day or night. The only way to gain confidence is by practice, particularly at night when skill is required in picking out navigation lights and buoys against a background of shore lights. (If you have colour blindness please talk to us before booking)

With a course over 7 days, your fully qualified instructor will be able to devote plenty of time to your individual needs with regular debriefings and coaching aimed at helping you to raise your standards.

Fee’s for Yachtmaster Certificate preparation

Voyage fee is for the full 5 days of instruction (or 8 days if you go on to do the exam)

Examination fee payable to the examiner -RYA Yachtmaster offshore Exam is £215 and Yachtmaster Coastal is roughly £185 per person (2019).

Yachtmaster Coastal Pre Exam Requirements

Radio Operators Certificate – for example (restricted) VHF Radio Operators Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range Certification or higher grade marine radio qualification.

Valid First Aid Certificate – First Aid certificates held by police / fire or armed servicesare also acceptable.

Seatime – 800 miles logged within 10 years of the examination. 30 days on board. 2 days as skipper and 12 night hours. (half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters)

Yachtmaster Offshore Pre Exam Requirements

Radio Operators Certificate – for example (restricted) VHF Radio Operators Certificate or a GMDSS Short Range Certification or higher grade marine radio qualification.

Valid First Aid Certificate – First Aid certificates held by police / fire or armed servicesare also acceptable.

Seatime – 2500 miles. 50 days on board. At least 5 passages over 60 miles and acting as skipper for at least 2 of these passages and including two which have involved overnight passages.

Skipper experience – at least 5 days as skipper. (Half the qualifying seatime must have been conducted in tidal waters)

50 Days seatime & 5 days as skipper – 2500 miles logged – 5 passages over 60 miles -including 2 overnight and 2 as skipper.  Qualifying passages must be over 60 miles non stop by the most direct route and involve no change of skipper during the passage.

Bring with you to the exam

RYA logbook or evidence of your sailing experience and qualifying passages

  • Passport photo
  • cheque or credit card details for Exam fee payable to the RYA
  • First Aid Certificate
  • VHF Radio Operators Certificate
  • You must be over 18 years of age & qualifying experience gained over the age of 15.
  • Certification required before the examination:
  • VHF Radio Operators Certificate – First Aid Certificate

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