RYA Sailing Courses

RYA Yacht Master Ocean Theory Course

Astro navigation and the beauty of a marine sextant

This course unravels the mysteries of astro navigation, using a sextant, ocean passage making, worldwide meteorology and electronic navigation aids.

This course is for those aspiring to blue water cruising and is ideal for holders of the Yachtmaster Offshore certificate who are preparing for their first ocean passage.

Topics covered include:

  • The earth and the celestial sphere
  • Practical guide to use and care of sextant at sea
  • Meridian altitudes
  • Sun, star and other sights
  • Ocean passage planning

Prior to the course your navigation skills should be at the standard of the Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster Offshore shorebased course.

If you are working towards your Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competence, completion of this shore based course exempts you from the written exam.

How long is the course?

The course is targeted to take 40 hours.

How much is the course?

RYA Yacht Master Ocean Theory Course

Marine sextant

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