Book Reviews

Cargo of Hope

Voyages of Hope: The Story of Vega

The story of the voyages of Vega from 1892 to the present day. This tale concentrates on delivering medical and educational aid to remote communities on Indonesian islands, but it encompasses much more.

Told in a jaunty style, you will learn about Vega’s unique qualities as she was designed and built in Norway. There are historical twists showing how mariners navigated international boundary changes and circumvented rules.

The narrative picks up speed in 2003 when Shane and his partner Meggi attempted to sail Vega across the Indian Ocean. On the way they were lucky to survive Cyclone Gafilo and eventually arrived in Victoria Harbour in the Seychelles to make repairs before continuing their adventure.

After crossing the Indian Ocean, they spent time recuperating in Langkawi, a small Malaysian island. However, on December 26th, 2004, a massive earthquake under the Indian Ocean set off one of the worst tsunamis in recorded history.

What follows is their experience of delivering aid to small communities around the North Coast of Sumatra, known for dangerous reefs and currents. This proved life-changing, leading them to dedicate their future to providing assistance to remote places, leveraging Vega’s unique strengths to deliver life-improving supplies.

There are stories of generosity from people of all walks of life and insights into villages without medical or educational facilities. Operating on a ‘Mom and Pop’ basis, not as an international NGO, has given them flexibility and closeness to those they help.

Here is an extract from the book:

We long ago learned never to tell people living under conditions where you or I could not survive what they need. We ask what is required to realise a community’s goals and objectives, then do our best to provide what’s needed. You see there are times when an inexpensive handful of fish hooks or a kilo of nails is worth more than gold.”

It is a fascinating book and the stories will keep you amused all the way through. A great story and a great achievement.

The story is still growing and you can catch up with the latest news on their Facebook page:

Historic Vessel Vega on Facebook
Vega Cargo of Hope -Caulking

Or Read the Book.

Cargo of Hope by Shane Granger

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