Rouen, France

Tall ships from all around the world are heading for Rouen on the River Seine once more for L’Armada 2019. At the heart of France, this mighty river hosts a spectacular gathering of tall ships, sailing boats and Naval ships every 5 years. 2019 is the 30th anniversary of L’Armada and the 75th birthday of the D Day landings, so it will be an extra special tall ship festival.

Never has there been a greater need for a global sailing event to bring European, Russian and all the nautical nations of the world together to promote international friendship and understanding. Rouen is perfect for a waterfront party and the French do Firework displays with panache.

The waterfront is long and the organisers are forecasting 10 million visitors so sailors arriving to join your ship will need to allow plenty of time to get through the crowds. study our photos of your ship so you can spot the masts and we will give more detailed berth details closer to the voyage.

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