Climate Change

Your Inner Smuggler on Grayhound

One of the most iconic ships around, the three-masted lugger Grayhound has just announced the first of her 2023 voyages and we can’t wait!

Grayhound came into the ownership of Wille and Oskar in 2020, and they have since been sailing her with their own particular brand of theatricality and open-hearted punk ethos. Both long-time sailors, they have also been heavily involved in the performing arts. Wille is a circus rigger, producer artist and writer, and Oskar is a puppeteer and playwright, among other things. This creativity bubbles away on board and encourages an atmosphere of friendly fun and fellowship (while also guaranteeing that a Grayhound appearance at any maritime events or festivals will be something to remember!)

The first round of voyages announced for 2023 reflect what Grayhound does best: great sailing along beautiful coastlines and shipping cargo under canvas. All fuelled by wholesome food and laughter.

Let the Inner Smuggler Out

You can join Grayhound for one of her cross-channel cargo, but think of it as contraband, voyages, next spring. These short hops make great working holidays, as you get involved not only in setting sails and helming, but also in loading and unloading high quality cargo the old fashioned way. This is not only a historic experience, reliving how goods were moved before the age of steam, but also provides an insight into the burgeoning modern sail cargo movement; ships like Grayhound making a stand against the environmental cost of the shipping industry and proving that wind power still works.

Step aboard for the first voyage of the season, transporting goods from Brittany to Cornwall, or enjoy the reverse leg later in the Spring.

While you may be retracing the steps of smugglers of old, you can feel secure in the fact that these days Grayhound has all the appropriate cargo licences!

A to A via Z

Round trip voyages are a winner on so many counts. Ease of travel arrangements, returning to a familiar port after an epic adventure, feeling like a local as you order that farewell pint in your salt-sprayed oilskin jacket…

…the biggest benefit, though, is the flexibility for the Skipper to create an itinerary on the fly, making the most of the conditions at the time. Literally going where the wind takes you allows for the best possible sailing, avoiding the worst of the weather, and exploring hidden treasures you may otherwise never have seen.

Grayhound has a couple of Explorer trips already announced which run from Falmouth, at Easter and in late April. As a springboard for adventure there’s no better place to start. You might find yourself bearing East along the stunning coasts of Cornwall and Devon, anchoring up tree-lined estuaries and swimming to secluded beaches. Or striking out for the Isles of Scilly for some lazy island hopping and crystal clear water. If conditions are right you might even do a channel crossing and enjoy the beautiful rugged coast of Brittany before returning home.

Sailing this way, without a particular destination in mind, forces you to think differently about travel. True adventure is about the journey, after all.

Check out Grayhound’s full raft of voyages here.

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